Message from this websites owner:
As this website grows it will start attracting all kinds of different people. Sadly though it will also attract the very people that make this lifestyle difficult to enjoy. I have recently been discussing this with some of the Goddesses on this site and there is a disturbing trend that is happening more and more. But first let me say this, this site is not a Findom site, it’s not really Blackmail either! It’s just my own personal site that I allow each of you to come to and enjoy the games and chat in hopes of making that connection between Goddess and slave. Now with that said, just know that Goddesses on this site will be respected! For every Goddess there is 10,000 slaves begging for her attention. A Goddess time is literally more valuable then gold. As some Goddesses have been telling me of late, there has been several people coming on here and promising to send money for the Goddesses time and don’t send at all or they are persistent on and adamite and sometimes argue that a Goddess should play with them for free. I find this very troubling and it down right makes me angry that members of my site that I welcome here to enjoy the community will do this to a Goddess. From here forward I will go solely based on Verified Goddess word, that if someone has wasted her time, that person will get their password scrambled and blocked with no questions asked. If you have ever used the phrase “I thought we could do this for free” or “I don’t pay for..” or “Lets play now and I’ll pay later” then you are not welcomed here at all. Please don’t register or interact with anyone here or play the games, just keep moving on. I/we do not want you here, this site is not for you.
As a valued member of this website, we have made Goddess J a Moderator of this chat room!
Administrator: Digital Ghost
Moderator: Goddess J