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About Blackmail-Man

This is much like the loved classic Pac-Man but slightly altered. In Blackmail-Man You will need to run through the maze collecting Money for Buy Outs. You start the game with three Buy Outs, every time you collect $1200 you get an additional Buy Out and can only have a Maximum of 6 at a time.

If a Blackmail Goddess catches you, you will pay her with a Buy Out and go back to your starting point.

If a Blackmail Goddess catches you and you don’t have any Buy Outs left, then the game ends and your Blackmail Profile gets sent to the email you provided.

There are Broke Loser Pills stashed around the game, take one of these and you will appear to be a Broke Loser and the Blackmail Goddesses will avoid you! And if you touch her, she will be grossed out and run home as fast as she can to throw up!

Good Luck! Maybe this will become a new Classic!?

4 comments on Blackmail-Man

  1. Awesome game, though a second version of it where you can’t quit the game halfway in without the mail being sent would be good, right now you can just chicken out when you get down to one life…

  2. Holy POOP!!!
    This is so freaking AWSOME!
    Admin, you have outdone yourself with your ability to combine games with fantasy! This is hands down the MOST interactive game I have ever played…EVER!
    Thank you for this!

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